From earth to jar: the artisan essence of Melmelària

3th July 2024

Success Stories

From earth to jar: the artisan essence of Melmelària

Located in Tiana, a small town in Maresme county, Melmelària is more than a space devoted to crafting artisan jams and chutneys. Founded in 2014, this family company has grown from modest strawberry bushes planted in the family garden to become a gourmet business that merges tradition, sustainability and innovation, which has earned it Biosphere certification.

A journey back to the origins

Melmelària began its journey in the kitchen of Tiana’s former nursery school, a space that was no longer in use. After two years working there, Cristina Martorell, the project’s creator, secured a license to open her own workshop in the courtyard of her home. Right there, in 2013, a few months after the project’s tenth anniversary, she opened a tasting shop, where visitors could savour her products and other artisan creations from Catalonia.

Melmelària’s jams are the result of a painstaking process that begins with selecting the local fruit and vegetables. Each step, from choosing the products to the final labelling, is done by hand, devoting all the attention and time needed to ensure exceptional quality. At Melmelària, Maresme fruit is transformed into delicious jams with no preservatives or artificial colourings, such as strawberry jam, the first kind they made. It has gradually been joined by surprising (and delicious!) alternatives, such as Maresme pea jam, which is fantastic with baked fish or toast with cured ham. Another gem is their white aubergine jam with vanilla, made with a native Maresme vegetable, white aubergine, which is finer and has a sweetish flavour.

Sustainability and proximity: the cornerstones of Melmelària

From the very start, Melmelària has been committed to working exclusively with seasonal, local fruit and vegetables. This means that the raw materials they use to craft their products are sourced from local farmers, minimising their carbon footprint and promoting the local economy. For example, Cristina buys everything she can from two Tiana farmers who grow crops including tomatoes, calçots [a kind of green onion] and bitter oranges. The other products come from close by, such as strawberries from Sant Pol de Mar and pumpkins from Mataró, two other Maresme municipalities.

This approach not only lowers their environmental impact but also educates the public on the importance of consuming seasonal products to live in harmony with the rhythm of the seasons. So, for example, you can’t find apricot jam in February, just as we don’t eat chestnuts in August. Indeed, sustainability is one of Melmelària’s core values. Purchasing fruit and vegetables at their peak ripeness, when they’re perfect for making jam, enables them to use the surplus and avoid food waste, in addition to contributing to the circular economy. This philosophy extends to their workshops, where participants can learn how to make jam and chutney while discovering the importance of using leftovers and zero waste.

A space for tasting and learning

The courtyard of Melmelària is not only a place for sales but also offers opportunities for learning, sampling and foodie activities. Children can have fun learning how to make jam with local strawberries or how to make a healthy breakfast, and there are similar workshops for adults on jam-making with seasonal products, followed by lunches, tastings or dinners. Additionally, their wine tastings are a unique chance to pair DO Alella wines from Maresme county with tapas made using Melmelària’s own jams, a real treat for the senses.

Melmelària’s workshops are an opportunity to sustainably immerse yourself in the tradition and flavours of our land. Participants learn the entire jam-making process, from handling the raw products to preservation. Therefore, these workshops, which are also offered as corporate team-building activities, help to raise awareness of the importance of respecting the environment and local culture in a fun, practical way.

A commitment to the community

This year, Melmelària partnered with the Tiana City Council to promote the first Craft Jam World Gathering. The event brought together around 20 jam-makers from the Balearic Islands, Andorra and different provinces of Catalonia with the goal of showcasing artisan products, fostering respect for tradition and promoting the artisans’ creativity.

With its charm and its commitment to sustainability, Tiana is the perfect setting for this gathering. Its intention is to help the town earn a name for itself as a touchstone and meeting point for exchanging ideas, creating synergies and strengthening the artisan sector.

It’s clear that Melmelària is an example of how sustainability, quality and tradition can go hand-in-hand to create a unique product. With its commitment to seasonal, local products, it offers not only delights for the palate but also meaningful experiences that promote more responsible, conscientious tourism and consumption.

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