Femturisme.cat: the web portal for discovering Catalonia in a sustainable manner

28th June 2024

Success Stories

Femturisme.cat: the web portal for discovering Catalonia in a sustainable manner

In a context such as the current one, choosing to travel in a sustainable way is a powerful decision, which says a lot about the person who makes it and their commitment to the future of the planet. In that sense, Femturisme.cat is an indispensable guide for travellers who wish to explore Catalonia in a respectful way.

It is a digital portal for discovering Catalonia through all kinds of routes: gastronomic, cultural, nature, adventure, etc. All of them include detailed information about the places they pass through and a careful selection of places to eat, sleep or do activities in. Furthermore, to make things even simpler, the website allows you to make all the necessary reservations directly.

A story of entrepreneurship and love of the land

The project saw the light of day in 2007 and stemmed from the previous experience of its two founding partners, Jordi Lemonche Ramos and Joan Quintana Martínez, with a previous portal that they had founded in 2001 during their time at university. Apart from their studies, where both of them were partners in computer engineering, Jordi and Joan were united by their love for their homeland and their desire to make their culture, traditions and nature known so that everyone could enjoy it.

Initially, the portal was focused on showing information about the towns of Catalonia and their establishments, with a small team of only three people. Little by little, the project grew to become the reference website in tourism that it is today. They went through different stages during the process. First, they focused on creating weekend routes with six people working on the project. Then they took the bold step of developing an agenda of activities that take place in municipalities all over Catalonia, a decision that proved to be highly successful and led them to expand the family to 10 members.

The current version of Femturisme.cat brings together all these features and incorporates some more with the aim of offering travellers everything they need in a single space. At the same time, honouring the restless spirit that characterises them, they continue to work on growing and finding improvements that make the portal even more useful to its users.

A commitment embedded in their DNA

With values such as those that underpin the project, concern for the environment and consciously taking decisions to protect it seems a logical step for them. Femturisme.cat has always been involved in sustainability. The company was a pioneer in office recycling, "when it was not yet an obligation, nor a moral step", says Youssef Haouriqui, head of marketing and editor of the platform. So joining the Biosphere commitment was both an easy and a natural decision. "It's up to all of us", he declares.

Being part of the Biosphere project has helped them to find support when working towards common objectives and to establish themselves as a company that is committed to the future and to the territory. "Promoting our land is based on our love for it, and we can't love our land and not care about it or look after it", he concluded.

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