Catalonia seeks to consolidate itself as a benchmark food and wine destination in Europe with an investment of over 1.5 million euros

26th June 2024


The Government of Catalonia has announced a significant investment of more than 1.5 million euros to promote wine and food tourism, with the aim of making Catalonia the leading region in this sector in Europe. This initiative is part of the Strategy for food and wine tourism in Catalonia 2022-2027, which has a funding of 7 million euros from European Next Generation funds.

The 26 initiatives envisaged in this plan, promoted by the Catalan Ministry of Enterprise and Employment, will make it possible to structure an attractive and competitive value offer and cover a wide range of initiatives, some of which will be carried out by local companies.

The Government has thus granted a subsidy of 500,000 euros to Lleida Provincial Council to fund setting up the "Sió Valley Food and Wine Route", which will include stopping points and active landscape and agricultural production interpretation points through the creation and adaptation of non-motorised routes throughout 15 municipalities that follow the course of the River Sió.

In turn, the Baix Llobregat Agricultural Park Consortium has received 1,045,479 euros to promote the "Can Comas: innovative and sustainable agrotourism project in Baix Llobregat Agricultural Park". This is based on promoting and disseminating the park’s values, actors and products by implementing an experiential marketing strategy focused on the Can Comas farmhouse.

The Strategy for food and wine tourism in Catalonia 2022-2027 is structured around 4 main axes: green and sustainable transition, energy efficiency, digital transition and competitiveness. The actions derived from these axes must be based on the 4D model (deseasonalisation, diversification, deconcentration and increased expenditure) [desestacionalització, diversificació, desconcentració i augment de la despesa in Catalan] and 4S (safe, healthy, unique and sustainable) [segura, saludable, singular i sostenible in Catalan].

Furthermore, at the beginning of the year, 2,379,588 euros were allocated to promote four other projects. Firstly, Falset Town Council for the "Wine Space: Falset food and wine inspiration centre" (600,000 euros) and Ametlla de Mar Town Council for the "Food and wine centre: sea cuisine space" (421,687 euros). Furthermore, Aitona Town Council will receive 507,901 euros for the initiative "Fruit tourism: open-air centre and space", and Palamós Town Council will receive 850,000 euros for "Aula Blava: interpretative vessel of fishing culture".

The plan has the backing of the Barcelona, Girona, Lleida and Tarragona Provincial Council tourism boards, the Catalan Institute of Wine and Vineyards (INCAVI) and Prodeca, a public company linked to the Ministry of Climate Action, Food and Rural Agenda.

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