Green trails and authentic flavours: discovering the Baix Llobregat

21th June 2024


Green trails and authentic flavours: discovering the Baix Llobregat

Just a few minutes' drive from the centre of Barcelona lies a jewel unknown to many. Although beaches have long been the main attraction of Baix Llobregat, new infrastructures are revitalising the tourist potential of the county, which offers a variety of options for visitors looking for authentic and environmentally friendly experiences.

Baix Llobregat is emerging as a sustainable destination thanks to the initiatives of a large number of organisations, companies and other tourist bodies and, above all, thanks to the efforts of the Baix Llobregat Tourism Consortium, created in 2000 to promote the sector in the county in terms of quality.

Sea and mountain; nature and culture

One of the keys to the attraction of the Baix Llobregat lies in its natural and cultural diversity. From the magnificent beaches of fine sand to the imposing and iconic mountain regions such as Montserrat, passing through the biological richness of the Llobregat Delta, each part of this county offers a unique and surprising experience.

Furthermore, its extraordinary Modernista historical heritage, with emblematic works such as those by Antoni Gaudí in Colònia Güell and Josep Maria Jujol in Sant Joan Despí, captivates those who seek to immerse themselves in art and history.

For travellers interested in the environment, Baix Llobregat offers a network of trails ideal for walking or cycling, which allow you to discover all its natural and cultural heritage in an active and environmentally friendly way. Likewise, due to its proximity to Barcelona, getting there by public transport is quick and easy, thanks to the routes provided by the Tourism Consortium, which promotes sustainable mobility when accessing the different experiences offered by the region.

Gastronomy with a local flavour

However, the Baix Llobregat experience goes beyond that, and turns the county into a complete destination that will delight any visitor. Gastronomy is another of its strong points, highlighting the use of local products, such as the famous Carxofa Prat and Pota Blava chicken, the first chicken in Spain with a Protected Geographical Indication, both from Prat de Llobregat, as well as Gavà's asparagus.

The establishments that base their culinary offerings on these products come together under the banner of the Sabors de l'Horta [Flavours from the vegetable garden] to offer diners an experience that is both authentic and sustainable. In addition, throughout the year there are various gastronomic festivals in the different towns of the county that focus on the most characteristic products of each municipality and which are the ideal occasion to discover the remarkable local restaurants.

In Baix Llobregat, the lovers of good food and sustainability always have a packed agenda. Every week, some towns hold a Mercat de Pagès, [Farmers' Market] where you can buy at source the fresh, seasonal and high quality produce that is grown in the county's Agricultural Park, one of the oldest and most fertile agricultural areas in Catalonia.

Commitment to quality and sustainability

Most of Baix Llobregat's tourist charm is based on asserting the county’s great yet unknown heritage, giving value to and protecting its natural wealth, difficult to find in areas so close to a big city like Barcelona, and its agricultural tradition, a rarity in a metropolitan area.

Baix Llobregat's commitment to sustainable tourism is reflected in its participation in the Biosphere programme. Almost one hundred companies in the county are actively working on implementing this commitment, ensuring that tourism in Baix Llobregat has a positive impact on the region’s culture, environment and socio-economic development.

The Baix Llobregat Tourism Consortium is the body responsible for managing implementation of this distinction in the county and also has this seal. As such, it provides tourism companies with the necessary tools and guidelines to implement more sustainable practices, as well as providing visitors with a guide to encourage good behaviour.

Baix Llobregat is a fascinating tourist destination for its natural beauty and its cultural and gastronomic heritage, while positioning itself as an example of sustainable tourism, where each visit contributes to the county’s positive and responsible development.

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