Santa Maria de Palautordera, a sustainable gateway to Montseny

18th July 2024


Santa Maria de Palautordera, a sustainable gateway to Montseny

Santa Maria de Palautordera is a brilliant example of how a small town can become a true example of sustainable tourism. Its City Council received the Biosphere certification for the first time in 2020, recognising the town as a Sustainable Tourist Destination. This commitment is also clear in membership of the Network of Cities and Towns for Sustainability, an association of municipalities that are committed to the environment. This platform allows its members to share their concerns, needs and experiences in order to promote and carry out projects of common interest.

Thanks to all these initiatives, Santa Maria de Palautordera has been able to implement effective measures to minimise environmental impacts and promote responsible tourism.

An unbeatable natural setting

Located at the foothills of the Montseny massif, the only natural park in Catalonia that UNESCO has declared a Biosphere Reserve, Santa Maria de Palautordera stands out for its incredible landscape, which captivates all visitors. To promote these remarkable natural assets, it has created the Arboretum, also known as the Arbreda del Montseny.

The Arboretum is home to a sample of the 80 species of woody plants found on the Montseny massif, which are also a good representation of these species in Europe, offering an opportunity to study, respect and admire them. The Arboretum is for both tourists and local residents, and its goal is to share information on Montseny’s natural environment with everyone. In addition to plants, it is also home to different animal species, including ducks, turtles and fish, providing an idyllic setting where visitors can relax and enjoy nature.

Activities and routes for everyone

With nine clearly marked routes around the town, Santa Maria de Palautordera invites visitors to explore its history and nature. These routes are perfect for exercising while discover the town’s forests, with large groves. Spaces such as the Sec River area and the Els Enamorats or Sant Josep fountain are just some of the points of interest that can be explored along these easy routes, which have different lengths and are perfect for all types of walkers.

There are also plenty of family activities. The Farm School and the Can Turró Rural Environment Classroom give children and their families a hands-on introduction to how people live and work in a farmhouse. And if you feel like riding a horse, the equestrian stables in the region offer beautiful routes through nature. These activities, which are organised via the extensive network of associations in the region, contribute to fostering environmentally friendly educational tourism.

Local cuisine and the history of Pont Trencat

Not only does the town promote sustainable tourism, it also supports local producers and businesses. Dining options are varied and based on local, seasonal products, with a special emphasis on traditional, home-made food and options for all palates and budgets. You can also find interesting craft shops purveying high-quality goods in Santa Maria de Palautordera.

As for culture, the town has a series of heritage sites of interest, such as the parish church in the late Gothic style, the Plaça de la Vila or town square, the Remei hermitage and Sant Sebastià chapel. But one of the most intriguing, unique sites is Pont Trencat, a mediaeval bridge with two pointed arches that was half destroyed for years, giving it the name Pont Trencat [which means “Broken Bridge” in Catalan]. Its impressive restoration in 2005 gave it a highly unique structure and earned it several architecture awards.

New steps towards sustainability

In 2020, the Santa Maria de Palautordera City Council signed an agreement with Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat de Catalunya [Catalan government railway] to foster sustainable tourism. This agreement led to the creation of an information and tourism promotion point for Montseny Natural Park in the former train station. Opened in 2023, the centre is also the departure point of the Bus Parc leading to the town of Montseny, and housing it in the train station makes Santa Maria de Palautordera the gateway to sustainable public transport in the natural park.

The Palautordera train station, which has been painstakingly restored to respect its original architecture, also houses the town’s tourism information point, which has earned Biosphere certification. There, visitors can find all the information they need to enjoy the region, as well as a range of convenient services, such as bicycle rentals, transfers and tourist packages.

Thanks to its sustainable policies, its range of outdoor activities and its delightful cuisine, Santa Maria de Palautordera offers not only beauty and tranquillity but also an opportunity to connect with nature and culture responsibly.

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