Cabanes Dosrius: Unplugging to plug in to what matters most

19th April 2024


Cabanes Dosrius: Unplugging to plug in to what matters most

Living without electricity or running water, drifting among treetops. That’s the experience visitors to Cabanes Dosrius will get: a return to the most primordial of sensations that allows us to find ourselves.

Building a treehouse may be one of the most common childhood dreams. Now there is a project that can that dream come true for a few hours, right next to the Montnegre – Corredor Park.

The initiative got underway in 2013 thanks to efforts of its founder, Agustí Guillamet, who unfortunately fell in and could not carry it forward. His son Marc then took over to fulfil his father’s dream.

Cabanes Dosrius has truly always been a family project. In fact, the idea emerged from an after-dinner conversation about how to bring nature closer to people.

We are increasingly out of touch with the environment around us, and climbing up into a treehouse is a good way to rediscover sensations. This activity is widespread in other European countries and was groundbreaking here.

Responsible family management

Proximity to Barcelona, easy access and the splendour of a protected natural area have been some of the keys to its success. So is its sustainable business model.

This small family business is rooted in the region and committed to nearby producers, with local jams, artisan furniture and bedding, and more. Everything is aligned with the values of these treehouses.

Of course, the business’s environmental footprint is negligible. The fact that the treehouses don’t have electricity or running water reduces their impact to the bare minimum.

Prioritising sustainable values is often not the most practical approach, but Cabanes Dosrius knows that it provides added value. In fact, they can see this in their guests’ reactions. When they arrive and shed the comforts they're used to, they undergo a radical change.

A deep and restful sleep and the feeling of being at ease again are among the most common descriptions from guests after this back-to-basics experience. Indeed, a stay in one of the treehouses helps slow down the hectic pace of daily life.

The experience has been so popular that the business is already launching new ideas to expand the benefits of this space. For example, it has created a well-being and mental health programme that makes it possible for them to help the community, and it is now selling chocolates and donating part of the proceeds to associations that work on behalf of social inclusion.

In all these areas, Biosphere has provided essential support by making it possible for the business to organise its ideas and start to bring them to fruition. What is more, having this certification has empowered it to spread sustainability values and create a network of partners who share their vision.

From celebrating the environment around us, both natural and cultural, to offering an unbeatable opportunity to connect with the rhythms of nature, Cabanes Dosrius provides an experience that makes it possible to discover what really matters.

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