"La patente": gastronomy with values

28th February 2024


A place to enjoy gastronomic experiences which also promotes sustainability. This is "La Patente"; a cookery school that organises events for companies and has had responsible management ingrained in its DNA for 11 years.

Even in its early days, this was a business that already showed promise in terms of being sustainable.From the outset, they avoided using anything disposable, everything was glass. They filtered water for consumption and used efficient appliances. 

Later they decided to make this commitment official by obtaining the Biosphere seal. And, as a result of officialising this approach, they were able to multiply their improvements. By becoming certified, they were able to measure their management in detail and identify those areas where they could go further.

The training provided by Biosphere and the support of the consultants who guided them, step by step, to obtain the certificate were of great help. As a result, they now measure electricity and water consumption very accurately for each location and time slot, a process that has involved all staff members, from chefs to cleaning and administrative staff.

Getting customers involved

It's not just the staff that work towards sustainability but also the customers, who are asked to get involved in the environmental initiatives. Thus, when “La patente” is approached by companies initially asking for single-use dishes for their events, they initiate a discussion on the advisability of generating excess waste.

They try to convince them that, as companies, engaging in sustainability values can benefit them. And it will also result in savings, as they have an automatic cleaning system with very fast washing cycles where minimal water is used, along with a collection team that will facilitate the use of reusable plates and glasses. Moreover, this means that those attending the event will end up experiencing a quality service.

This case can be extrapolated to a good many of the situations they experience with customers, whom they politely educate at all levels. If someone is not accustomed to recycling, the staff at the gastronomic venue kindly inform them that there are four bins available for properly disposing of waste. And so on, in all areas of sustainability.

These good practices extend beyond the environmental sphere and can be felt in the workplace itself. For example, they invest in hiring older workers, as there are few companies that employ people over 60 years old. However, for "La patente," these are individuals who still have a lot of energy and, with their experience, make quicker decisions that are better thought through. decisions.

As a tourism provider, "La patente" takes pride in doing things right and thanks to certification, its team members feel more assured in promoting their sustainability initiatives, as these good practices are endorsed by an external body.

In a way, the Biosphere seal is like a diploma that provides legitimacy in environmental and social aspects. This means that those who make up the company know that as well as doing a good job offering gastronomic experiences to customers, the values underpinning this work have been recognised.

What's more, the whole team has become involved in this initiative and has embraced it enthusiastically. Customers also appreciate this effort and this creates a community of people who share the same environmental and social concerns.

“La patente” is clear about it: by helping the planet, we help ourselves. And not only that, but working in favour of the environment results in personal satisfaction and also savings.

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