New “Impulsem el que fas” (we promote what you do) call for proposals with grants for sustainable tourism in Barcelona

10th September 2024

Barcelona City Council, through Barcelona Activa, has announced the eighth edition of the “Impulsem el que fas” grant programme, aimed at stimulating economic development in the city’s neighbourhoods and districts. The call is open to businesses and individuals (sole proprietors) who, in 2024, wish to undertake projects in areas such as sustainable tourism, responsible food production, or socio-economic innovation.

In this context, the responsible and sustainable tourism category aims to promote initiatives that contribute to a more balanced tourism management from an economic, environmental, and social perspective, aligning with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda. This includes projects that promote the geographical decentralisation of tourism to reduce pressure on the city's most visited areas, strengthen links with economic, social, and cultural agents in other areas to create opportunities, generate a positive social return, or support the redistribution of the profits from tourism activity.

Tourism businesses that apply can receive grants to fund, among other things, external services, communication and outreach, staff costs, or investments in software applications.

What’s New This Year

This year, the programme adopts a non-competitive application system, where the approval of grants depends solely on meeting the established requirements, the proposed actions, and the submission of a budget. Therefore, there will no longer be a comparative evaluation of the applications received, as was done previously, but they will be granted in order of receipt. Meanwhile, the programme retains the six categories from previous calls, which are now divided into various subcategories. Each business can submit up to three proposals within a single subcategory.

Applications can be submitted from 9 September to 15 October or until funds are exhausted.

More information on Impulsem el que fas 2024.